Genres: Slice of Life
Date aired: 2015-10-06
Status: Completed
Yuuta Hoshitani enrolls in the prestigious Ayanagi Academy in hopes of finding the high school student who inspired him. The academy is well-known for producing exceptional musical talent, but students must first compete for acceptance into the Musical Department. At the top of the department is the Kao Council—a group of third-year students who possess a great deal of influence over the school and admission into the department. The fastest route to entering the department for Hoshitani is to find a way into a Star Team, which would allow him to be taught by a member of the Kao Council. After catching the eyes of Itsuki Ootori, Hoshitani finds himself under the tutelage of the Kao Council's most eccentric member. Alongside him on Team Ootori is his roommate, Tooru Nayuki, fledgling Kabuki actor Kakeru Tengenji, the quiet Shuu Kuga, and Kaito Tsukigami, the younger brother of famous Ayanagi alumni Haruto. As Hoshitani struggles with his lack of talent, his teammates must also overcome their shortcomings. ...
Episode name | Day Added |
Starmyu Episode 15 | 06/11/2021 |
Starmyu Episode 14 | 06/11/2021 |
Starmyu Episode 13 | 06/11/2021 |
Starmyu Episode 12 | 06/11/2021 |
Starmyu Episode 11 | 06/11/2021 |
Starmyu Episode 10 | 06/11/2021 |
Starmyu Episode 9 | 06/11/2021 |
Starmyu Episode 8 | 06/11/2021 |
Starmyu Episode 7 | 06/11/2021 |
Starmyu Episode 6 | 06/11/2021 |
Starmyu Episode 5 | 06/11/2021 |
Starmyu Episode 4 | 06/11/2021 |
Starmyu Episode 3 | 06/11/2021 |
Starmyu Episode 2 | 06/11/2021 |
Starmyu Episode 1 | 06/11/2021 | Copyrights and trademarks for the anime, and other promotional materials are held by their respective owners and their use is allowed under the fair use clause of the Copyright Law.